What Can Career Coaching Offer Me?

Depending on your goals and where you are in the process, you might work with any of the three critical factors of successful career management:

  • ASSESSMENT: With state-of-the-art assessments, identify and create the language for demonstrating your value to the preferred organization
  • MARKETING: Showcase your knowledge, skills and abilities in a way that captures the interest of employers and recruiters
  • STRATEGY: Using your insights from specific career/leadership assessments, create a plan that is workable, effective and smart. will get you where you want to go – and get coaching support as you work that plan

Rita’s Specialty: Coaching for the 55+ Professional

Click here to see topics frequently discussed by Rita with her clients.

Midlife career changes can be daunting. The resume, marketing plan, bio, social media presence, and interviewing process must break down those preconceived notions about hiring a more experienced, mid-life candidate. Our work together will focus on your specific needs. We will create a plan that allows you to:

  • Identify the market trends working in your favor
  • Create professional marketing materials: resume/bio/marketing plan
  • Develop a customized social media strategy: LinkedIn/X
  • Prioritize you activities based on results – return on investment of time

Career Coaching

In a phone conversation, you can describe your career goals and what you hope to gain from working together.

Dr. Rita Carey is a Career Development Coach with extensive experience in Career Management. She has become known for her work with professionals in their 50s, 60s, and 70s who must show that they have the competencies needed for the job AND must also demonstrate that they are contemporary, still in the game, and adaptable.

Rita is a certified professional coach (The Coaches Institute, San Rafael, CA. with a specialty in Career Coaching for professionals over 50.

You are Invited to Schedule a free 30-minute Discovery Session!

There are challenges when competing for meaningful work in our 50s, 60s, and beyond.  But those challenges are manageable!  You can reduce the influence of age if you are aware of employer concerns and engage in a contemporary job search.  Below are some of the topics for Coaching Conversations that concern my clients.

Getting Past Age Bias

If you are concerned about your age being a negative -if you are not getting responses to your resume submittals, if recruiters have not shown interest, if you are experiencing what appears to be a dismissal of your qualifications,  it may be due to “unconscious” age bias.  Younger recruiters or HR personnel may make judgments that eliminate qualified, more experienced candidates in the selection process.  BUT…there are ways to get past those concerns.  If that is your experience, a coaching conversation with Rita will focus on how to demonstrate that you still have “skin in the game,” are forward-looking, and up-to-speed with the latest innovations in your field.

Resumes: Keywords, Jobs, and the Best of You at 55+

Creating an age-neutral, contemporary resume can be challenging when you are over 50.  Still, it is possible to create a contemporary resume that highlights accomplishments, eliminates age barriers, and complies with the Automatic Tracking System software employers use to identify the best candidates.  Rita will provide samples of well-written resumes that emphasize qualifications, not age, and work with you to create your accomplishments-focused resume that will get past the ATS (Automatic Tracking System) and into decision-makers’ hands.

Interviewing on Zoom or in the Room at 55+

When selected for an interview, you know you’ve done something right!  Now, your challenges are: (1) to provide evidence of your ability to do the job effectively, (2) to dispel concerns about age and relevance, (3) to be seen as a good fit.  You will be prepared to address those challenges in coaching conversations and with the materials provided.

Your LinkedIn Profile at 55+

LinkedIn has become the “go-to” site for hiring managers and recruiters.  That’s where they can search for and review profiles and connect with those whose experience matches their requirements.  You, the more experienced candidate, have an advantage – you can showcase your expertise in a way that the less experienced cannot.  It’s simply a matter of knowing how.

Working Remotely at 55+

The pandemic required changes in how work was done and resulted in the realization that work did not have to be done in the workplace.  Tasks can be done effectively, and projects can be managed efficiently when working off-site.  But what does it take to succeed when working from home?  How can essential work relationships be developed?  And how might your personality influence your success?